Objectives : This study aims to examine the exterior relief method through pungent-cool properties in comparison to pungent-warm properties historically, to understand the meaning of 'exterior relief through pungent-cool' more thoroughly. Methods : Contents mentioning the treatment method directly were examined historically, then analyzed. Results & Conclusions : The method to relieve the exterior through pungent-cool properties has developed by overcoming the limitations of the method to relieve the exterior through pungent-warm properties since it was first established in 『Shanghanzabinglun』(『傷寒雜病論』). The term 'relief of the exterior through pungent-coolness'(辛凉解表) was first mentioned in the Ming period, referring to weak level of perspiration. Yetianshi(葉天士) explained it as communicating Weiqi(衛氣) using pungent-cool medicinals for heat to discharge through the exterior, resulting in mild sweating. In 『Wenbingtiaobian』(『溫病條辨』) the term 'to relieve the flesh'(解肌) refers to both mild sweating through pungent-warm medicinals and the opening of the exterior through pungent-cool medicinals for pathogenic qi to exit, resulting in sweating. If the exterior relief of the pungent-warm medicinals happens through the warm Yang qi(陽氣) stimulated the inner Yin fluids(陰液) to discharge as sweat, that through pungent-cool medicinals relieves stagnation in the exterior, opening up a way for the pathogenic heat to exit. From the perspective of the main therapeutic mechanism for pungent-cool medicinals to be its coolness relieving heat, the term 'exterior relief through pungent-coolness' becomes erroneous. For the 'exterior relief through pungent-coolness' category to be valid, the meaning of 'exterior relief' needs to be expanded to include not only stimulated sweating but the treatment process that could result in sweating.