양돈장 내의 환경 요인에 따른 내부 유해인자의 변동 모니터링

Monitoring of Internal Harmful Factors According to Environmental Factors in Pig Farm

  • Lee, Seong-Won (Department of Rural Construction Engineering, Jeonbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Hyo-Cher (National Institute of Agricultural Sciences) ;
  • Seo, Il-Hwan (Department of Rural Construction Engineering, Jeonbuk National University)
  • 투고 : 2019.11.14
  • 심사 : 2020.01.06
  • 발행 : 2020.01.31


With the decrease of the agricultural population in Korea, the workers who is vulnerable to labor are increasing in agricultural industry because of aging, feminization of population. They are exposed in poor working environment with higher temperature and concentrations of dust, gas. Higher concentration of harmful gas and dust can cause chronic and acute disease to workers depending on exposure intensity and frequency. In order to improve the working environment in the livestock facilities, It is important to secure monitoring data of the thermal environment and the concentration of harmful gases and fine dust. Multi-point measurement was performed to analyze the regional environmental conditions in the pig rooms. When analyzing the working environment, video monitoring was conducted to analyze the concentration changes of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and fine dust according to worker movement and work type. Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide monitoring result showed 1.5~2 times higher concentrations than other work when working in the pigs living zone, and 2~4 times higher than other work when working to increase the activity of pigs. In the case of fine dust, the result was 1.3 times higher than the worker's exposure standard in a specific work. The concentrations of gases and dusts from pig farms are not of concern for acute poisoning in normal work, but there is a risk of chronic respiratory disease if they are continuously exposed. Accordingly, there is a need for development of work environment monitoring device tailored to workers and preparation of alternatives.



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