The Threat of AI and Our Response: The AI Charter of Ethics in South Korea

  • Hwang, Ha (Korea Institute of Public Administration) ;
  • Park, Min-Hye (Korea Institute of Public Administration)
  • 투고 : 2020.04.15
  • 심사 : 2020.04.29
  • 발행 : 2020.04.30


Changes in our lives due to Artificial Intelligence (AI) are currently ongoing, and there is little refutation of the effectiveness of AI. However, there have been active discussions to minimize the side effects of AI and use it responsibly, and publishing the AI Charter of Ethics (AICE) is one result of it. This study examines how our society is responding to threats from AI that may emerge in the future by examining various AIECs in the Republic of Korea. First, we summarize seven AI threats and classify these into three categories: AI's value judgment, malicious use of AI, and human alienation. Second, from Korea's seven AICEs, we draw fourteen topics based on three categories: protection of social values, AI control, and fostering digital citizenship. Finally, we review them based on the seven AI threats to evaluate any gaps between the threats and our responses. The analysis indicates that Korea has not yet been able to properly respond to the threat of AI's usurpation of human occupations (jobs). In addition, although Korea's AICEs present appropriate responses to lethal AI weapons, these provisions will be difficult to realize because the competition for AI weapons among military powers is intensifying.



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