Management of a Severe Cervical Degloving Injury in a Bean Goose (Anser fabalis serrirostris)

  • Son, Jiwon (Laboratory of Wildlife Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeonbuk National University) ;
  • Rhim, Haerin (Laboratory of Wildlife Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeonbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Hong-Cheul (Laboratory of Wildlife Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeonbuk National University) ;
  • Bae, Jieun (Laboratory of Wildlife Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeonbuk National University) ;
  • Han, Jae-Ik (Laboratory of Wildlife Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeonbuk National University)
  • Received : 2018.07.06
  • Accepted : 2020.01.04
  • Published : 2020.02.28


A wild juvenile bean goose (Anser fabalis serrirostris) was rescued after sustaining an extensive degloving injury around the neck and chin region. Except for the degloving injury, physical and radiographic examination detected no other trauma-induced abnormality. On the day of presentation to the hospital, the patient underwent extensive debridement and suturing. A twice-daily force feeding with diluted parrot weaning food was required during the hospitalization due to severe anorexia. On day 18, the bean goose was moved to the aviary to undergo rehabilitation and feeding by itself. Management of the severe degloving injury of the cervical region with medical intervention and nutritional assistance was successful in this case, and the results of this case shows the proper management can be implemented to produce satisfactory outcomes.



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