Strong Ground Motion Simulation at Seismic Stations of Metropolises in South Korea by Scenario Earthquake on the Causative Fault of the 2016 Gyeongju Earthquake

2016년 경주지진 유발단층 시나리오 지진에 의한 국내 광역 도시 지진관측소에서의 강진동 모사

  • Choi, Hoseon (Department of Nuclear Safety Research, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)
  • 최호선 (한국원자력안전기술원 원자력안전연구실)
  • Received : 2019.10.01
  • Accepted : 2020.01.02
  • Published : 2020.03.01


The empirical Green's function method is applied to the foreshock and the mainshock of the 2016 Gyeongju earthquake to simulate strong ground motions of the mainshock and scenario earthquake at seismic stations of seven metropolises in South Korea, respectively. To identify the applicability of the method in advance, the mainshock is simulated, assuming the foreshock as the empirical Green's function. As a result of the simulation, the overall shape, the amplitude of PGA, and the duration and response spectra of the simulated seismic waveforms are similar with those of the observed seismic waveforms. Based on this result, a scenario earthquake on the causative fault of Gyeongju earthquake with a moment magnitude 6.5 is simulated, assuming that the mainshock serves as the empirical Green's function. As a result, the amplitude of PGA and the duration of simulated seismic waveforms are significantly increased and extended, and the spectral amplitude of the low frequency band is relatively increased compared with that of the high frequency band. If the empirical Green's function method is applied to several recent well-recorded moderate earthquakes, the simulated seismic waveforms can be used as not only input data for developing ground motion prediction equations, but also input data for creating the design response spectra of major facilities in South Korea.



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