근로자의 성격 특성이 심리적 계약 위반에 미치는 영향: ?시의 조절효과를 중심으로

How Employee Personality Traits Affect Psychological Contract Breach: The Moderating Effect of Guanxi

  • Kwon, In-Su (Department of Business Adminstration, Sejong University) ;
  • Kim, Sang-Joon (School of Business, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Lee, Ju-Il (College of Business Administration, University of Ulsan)
  • 투고 : 2020.11.30
  • 심사 : 2020.12.21
  • 발행 : 2020.12.30


Purpose - This study investigates how employee personality traits affect psychological contract breach. Also, our study examines how Guanxi, a unique socio-cultural characteristic of China, moderates the relationship between personality traits and psychological contract breach. Design/methodology/approach - To test our ideas, we constructed a survey questionnaire based on the literatures on personality traits, Guanxi, and psychological breach. The questionnaires were distributed to Chinese employees, and then we conducted a regression analysis using 378 questionnaires. Findings - We found that neuroticism is positively related to perceived psychological contract breach. We also identified support for the prediction that the positive link between neuroticism and psychological contract breach becomes weaker when employees' awareness of Guanxi is high. Research implications or Originality - This study provides several theoretical and practical implications. First, this study elaborates the personality traits-psychological contract breach relationship by incorporating Guanxi, a critical contingency factor of China. Second, given that the relationship between neuroticism and psychological contract breach can be affected by employees' perceptions of Guanxi, managers should administer Guanxi to function as a lubricant within the organization.



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