Determining the Wood (Parashorea spp.) Decaying and Metal Corroding Abilities of Eight Fungi

  • Received : 2019.11.11
  • Accepted : 2019.12.25
  • Published : 2020.01.25


Fungi are wood-decaying organisms, and this is an important trait that should be considered in wood utilization. When fungi attack wood, it decreases the quality of the wood. The use of metal screws has become an important part of woodworking. The ability of fungi to decay wood and damage metal screws that are embedded into wood is varied. In this study, eight fungal species were evaluated with respect to their ability to decay Parashorea smythiesii and P. tomentella wood. In addition, the effect of fungi on corroding metal screws was determined using the Kolle flask method. The evaluation showed that the fungal species Schizophyllum commune, Pycnoporus sanguineus, and Polyporus arcularius were highly capable of decaying Parashorea spp. woods. The greatest wood weight loss occurred with the heartwood of P. tomentella exposed to S. commune. Based on the classification of wood resistance against fungal attack, the two Parashorea spp. were classified as moderately resistant woods (class III). Schizophyllum commune was classified as highly capable of decaying wood that was embedded with metal screws and was highly capable of corroding metal screws placed in fungi-culture media. The greatest weight of rust powder formed because of screw corrosion was obtained from screw-embedded wood exposed to S. commune. Additionally, the most severe corrosion of metal screws that were embedded into woods was caused by the activities of P. arcularius. Moreover, the average weight loss of screw-embedded wood was greater than that of unscrewed wood.



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