Development of STEAM Instructional Materials using Arduino for Creative Engineering Design Class in High Schools and Its Application

일반계고의 창의공학설계 수업을 위한 아두이노 기반 STEAM 수업자료 개발과 적용

  • Lee, Dae-Seok (Chungnam Samsung High School) ;
  • Lim, Yeong-Dae (Department of Technology Education, Korea National University of Education) ;
  • Kim, Jinsoo (Department of Technology Education, Korea National University of Education)
  • 이대석 (충남삼성고등학교) ;
  • 임영대 (한국교원대학교 기술교육과) ;
  • 김진수 (한국교원대학교 기술교육과)
  • Received : 2019.10.11
  • Accepted : 2019.11.27
  • Published : 2020.01.31


The purpose of the study was to develop the Arduino based STEAM instruction materials for creative engineering design class. PDIE model was used in this study. We developed a STEAM lesson plan and a STEAM lesson worksheet for a total of six sessions through the steps of preparation, development, implementation and evaluation. The validity of the instruction materials was evaluated by the 10 experts using a survey. The instruction materials were applied to the class (52 students attended) of the creative engineering designs unit in technology and home economics subject. The class satisfaction and the creative solving-problem ability were examined after the calss. The class satafacition was high as the average of 10 item was 4.57 (out of 5). The paired t-test was conducted to compare the means of the creative solving-problem ability. It was observed that 'understanding and mastery of knowledge, thought, function and skills in a specific domain', 'divergent thinking', 'critical and logical thinking' and ' motivational factors' were significantly increased after the class. The instruction materials develped in this study were successfully designed to enhance the creative solving-problem ability by designing creative tasks and to intrique the interest by adding visual and auditory stimuli with the Arduino.



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