Effect of Weight-bearing Pattern and Calcaneal Taping on Heel Width and Plantar Pressure in Standing

  • Jung, DoYoung (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health & Welfare, Joongbu University)
  • Received : 2019.12.31
  • Accepted : 2020.02.20
  • Published : 2020.02.29


Purpose: This study examined the effects of the weight-bearing pattern and calcaneal taping on the heel width and plantar pressure in standing. Methods: Fifteen healthy subjects with normal feet participated in this study. The heel width was measured using a digital caliper, and a pedoscan was used to measure the plantar pressure of the rear foot while standing. The participants were instructed to stand in three weight-bearing patterns (anterior, middle, and posterior weight bearing) before and after calcaneal taping. The heel width and plantar pressure were measured three times before and three times after calcaneal taping, with the three weight-bearing patterns applied in random order. A 2 (non-taping vs. taping) × 3 (anterior, middle, posterior weight bearing) two-way repeated ANOVA with a Bonferroni post hoc correction was used to assess the differences in heel width and plantar pressure. Results: The results revealed a significant main effect of the weight-bearing pattern (p<.01), but not of calcaneal taping (p>.05). Greater weight bearing applied to the heel resulted in a significantly increased heel width and planter pressure of the rear foot (p<.01). Conclusion: In standing, a posterior weight-bearing pattern increases the heel width due to side-to-side shifting of the plantar heel pad, which increases the heel plantar pressure. Therefore, to prevent high stress on the heel pad and plantar heel pain, it is important to refrain from posterior weight bearing while standing during the activities of daily living.



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