Comparison of preoperative ultrasound guided fascia iliaca block versus femoral nerve block for proximal femur fractures before positioning for spinal anesthesia: an observational study

  • Gupta, Meeta (Department of Anesthesiology, Kasturba Medical College of Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education) ;
  • Kamath, Shaila Surendra (Department of Anesthesiology, Kasturba Medical College of Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education)
  • Received : 2019.12.05
  • Accepted : 2020.01.28
  • Published : 2020.04.01


Background: Severe pain associated with proximal femur fractures makes the positioning for regional anesthesia a challenge. Systemic administration of analgesics can have adverse effects. Individually, both the fascia iliaca block (FIB) and femoral nerve blocks (FNB) have been studied. However, there is little evidence comparing the two. The aim of this study was to compare the overall efficacy of the two blocks in patients with proximal femur fracture before positioning for spinal anesthesia. Methods: ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) class I, II, and III patients scheduled for elective and emergency surgery with the diagnosis of proximal femur fracture between October 2018 and June 2019 were included in the study. The patients were assigned to two groups by convenience nonprobability sampling of 35 each. Results: Our study showed a reduction in visual analogue scale scores at 3, 4, and 5 minutes after administration of the FIB being 5.1 ± 1.1, 4.1 ± 1.3, and 2.8 ± 0.8, and those after the FNB as 4.4 ± 1.1, 3.3 ± 1.1, and 2.1 ± 1.4 with P < 0.05, which was statistically significant. The mean first rescue analgesia time for the FIB was 7.1 ± 2.1 hours, while for the FNB it was 5.2 ± 0.7 hours. The P value was less than 0.001, which was significant. Conclusions: Both ultrasound guided FNB and FIB techniques provide sufficient analgesia for patient's positioning before spinal anesthesia. However, the duration of postoperative analgesia provided by FIB was greater than that of the FNB.



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