A Study on the Curvilinear Relationship Between Slack and Innovation : Focus on Moderating Effect of Network Diversity

조직의 여유자원과 혁신간의 비선형관계에 관한 연구 : 네트워크 다양성 조절효과

  • Kang, Sora (Department of Digital Business, Hoseo University) ;
  • Han, Su Jin (Division of Business Administration, Hoseo University)
  • Received : 2020.12.01
  • Accepted : 2020.12.18
  • Published : 2020.12.31


Based on the resource-based perspective, this study seeks to understand the relationship between the organizational slack and innovation, and to demonstrate that there exists a difference in the influence of the organizational slack according to the type of innovation by dividing the types of innovation into exploratory and exploitative innovations. They also want to understand the role that network diversity plays in the relationship between organizational slack and innovation. For this purpose, hypothesis and research models were presented based on resource-based perspectives and empirical analysis was conducted on 171 companies. The analysis confirmed that the impact of organizational slack on exploitative innovation is linear, not non-linear, as expected. In other words, the more resources available, the more productive the enterprise is, and the more resources available to the organization have a positive impact on the innovation. On the other hand, exploratory innovation represented an inverse U-shaped relationship between organizational slack and nonlinearity as expected. The control effect of network diversity was only seen in the relationship between organizational slack and exploratory innovation. Through this study, it provides implications such as the importance of network diversity, which is a relationship between companies, and the difference in the utilization of organizational slack according to the type of innovation.



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