영화 의상에 나타난 사회 계급의 표현 -봉준호 감독의 <기생충>을 중심으로-

Social Class in Modern Film Costumes -Focused on Bong Joon-Ho's -

  • 투고 : 2020.03.17
  • 심사 : 2020.07.11
  • 발행 : 2020.10.31


This study examines how class differences are expressed through costumes based on the costumes of characters in Bong Joon-Ho's film . Based on Video on Demand (VOD), the main situations in which characters' costumes change in the play were captured and used as analysis data. Colors, textures, and color symbol were analyzed to find the formative properties shown in the characters' costumes. The results are as follows. The home wear of Kim's family were unsuitable for the top and bottom, faded clothes, and the vague boundary between outdoor and indoor clothes appeared. In comparison, Park's family's home wear was featured a modern and elegant design, a clear distinction that suited purpose and situation. Analysis of street wear showed that the Kim's family had a big difference before and after getting a job, and Park's family wore different costumes for the purpose of going out. Social class expressed in the film costumes were shown to have the characteristics of intrinsic class invariance, temporary class changes, differences in class expression by age, and differences in costume choice by class.



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