The Effect of Psychological Factors on Sleep Disturbances in Young Adults

  • 투고 : 2020.02.11
  • 심사 : 2020.03.16
  • 발행 : 2020.03.30


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess influences of psychological factors on sleep disturbances in young adults through the revised version of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2). Methods: Two hundred and ninety nine college students in Gyeonggi-do completed the MMPI-2 and a questionnaire related to sleep disturbances and collected data were analyzed by logistic regression. Results: The odds of tooth grinding increased significantly with the increase of T-score of hysteria (Hy) scale. The increase of T-score of hypomania (Ma) and social introversion (Si) scale significantly contributed to the risk of insomnia. The occurrence of insomnia increased significantly as T-score of somatic complaints (RC1) and psychoticism (PSYC) scale increased. The odds of tooth grinding increased significantly as T-score of anxiety (ANX) and family problems (FAM) scale increased. The occurrence of insomnia decreased significantly with the increase of T-score of type A behavior (TPA) scale. The increase of T-score of dominance (Do) scale significantly contributed to the risk of tooth clenching. The odds of tooth grinding decreased significantly as T-score of MacAndrew alcoholism-revised (MAC-R) scale increased, whereas it increased significantly as T-score of addiction potential scale (APS) increased. No scale of MMPI-2 significantly affected the occurrence of snoring. Conclusions: T-scores of Hy, ANX, FAM, Do, MAC-R, and APS scales on MMPI-2 affected the risk of bruxism. T-scores of Ma, Si, RC1, PSYC, and TPA scales on MMPI-2 influenced the occurrence of insomnia. The psychometric instrument such as MMPI-2 is helpful in understanding and managing bruxism and insomnia.



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