Wave shape analysis of seismic records at borehole of TTRH02 and IWTH25 (KiK-net)

  • 투고 : 2019.03.04
  • 심사 : 2020.02.04
  • 발행 : 2020.03.25


The KiK-net by NIED is a vertical array measurement system. In the database of KiK-net, singular pulse waves were observed in the seismic record at the borehole of TTRH02 during the mainshock (the magnitude of Japan Meteorological Agency (MJ) 7.3, MW 6.8) and aftershock (Mj 4.2) of Tottori-ken Seibu earthquake in 2000. Singular pulse waves were also detected in the seismic records at the borehole of IWTH25 during the Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake in 2008 (MJ 7.2, MW 6.9). These pulse waves are investigated by using the wave shape analysis methods, e.g., the non-stationary Fourier spectra and the double integrated displacement profiles. Two types of vibration modes are discriminated as the occurrence mechanism of the singular pulse waves. One corresponds to the reversal points in the displacement profile with the amplitude from 10-4 m to 10-1 m, which is mainly related to the fault activity and the amplification pass including the mechanical amplification (collision) of the seismograph in the casing pipe. The other is the cyclic pulse waves in the interval of reversal points, which is estimated as the backlash of the seismograph itself with the amplitude from 10-5 m to 10-4 m.



The author would like to thank NIED for providing seismic records of KiK-net and would like to thank Editage ( for English language editing.


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