It is difficult for farmers to select new crops for cultivation to increase income. So we conducted land suitability assessment of grapes with soil and climate information related to crop growth. At first, land suitabilities for grapes were classified into three categories (most suitable, suitable, low productive & not suitable areas) according to soil and climate conditions, respectively. In details, land suitability with respect to soil was assessed by soil morphological and physical properties including soil texture, drainage class, available soil depth, slope and gravel content, whereas one in accordance with climate was evaluated by average annual temperature, temperature during the growing season, temperature during maturation, the lowest temperature, chilling requirement and precipitation during the growing season. Secondly, we combined both soil and climate classification results using a most-limiting characteristic method. Maps showing the suitable land for grapes cultivation were drawn. The results indicate that the most suitable area of cultivation for grapes in south Korea was 3.43% and suitable (possible) area was 10.61%. This study may help to preserve land and increase the productivity through providing valuable information regarding where more suitable areas for grapes are located.
본 연구에서는 포도의 생육과 관련된 연평균기온, 생육기 기온, 성숙기 기온, 극최저기온, 저온요구도, 강수량과 같은 기후인자와 심토토성, 침식정도, 배수 등급, 유효토심, 경사도, 자갈함량, 지형과 같은 토양 인자를 선정하여 기후와 토양의 조건을 최대저해인자법을 이용해 통합한 재배적지 구분 연구를 수행하였다. 재배적지는 적지, 가능지, 저위생산지&부적지의 3단계로 구분하였으며, 연구결과는 전국 면적을 기준으로 적지가 3.43%로 나타났고, 가능지는 10.61%로 나타났다. 지역별로 적지는 경상북도가 1.15%로 가장 넓은 것으로 나타났고, 충청남도가 0.72%와 충청북도가 0.44%로 나타났다. 가능지는 경상북도가 2.67%로 가장 넓었으며, 충청남도가 2.11%, 전라남도가 1.54%인 것으로 나타났다.