Development and Evaluation of Wearable Bags and Consumer Innovativeness

  • Tang, Wujun (Dept. of Clothing, Konkuk University) ;
  • Koo, Sumin (Dept. of Apparel Design, Konkuk University)
  • 투고 : 2020.11.10
  • 심사 : 2020.12.23
  • 발행 : 2020.12.30


Wearable bags are body-worn bags, integrated with clothing or accessories, and they can liberate the wearer's hands, offering enhanced mobility. The main purposes of this research were: a) to analyze wearable bag design cases ranging from historical costumes to contemporary fashion; b) to develop wearable bag designs using various defined design methods, styles, and features and prototypes; and c) to evaluate people's satisfaction with the developed wearable bags and their differences among people with different innovativeness levels. Thus, the wearable bag design cases involved in this study were researched and collected from previous literature searches. then, the wearable bag designs were developed and prototyped. Next. an evaluation survey was conducted using questions that assessed satisfaction with overall design and function, use and purchase intention, and consumer innovativeness. The results are expected to enhance the understanding of wearable bags and provide guidelines for designers who develop wearable bags. The results indicated that 80% or more of the surveyed people were satisfied with the design and function of the developed wearable bags. They perceived that the bags were easy to use and useful, and wanted to use and purchase them. Consumers with high social, functional, and hedonic innovativeness were more satisfied and perceived these wearable bags as easier to use and more useful and wanted to use and purchase them more than consumers with low innovativeness. This study can be helpful to designers developing wearable bags by providing a better understanding of wearable bags and consumer perceptions.



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