치과의료관리 영역에서 증강현실의 프로토타입 개발

The development of an augmented reality prototype in dental practice management

  • 투고 : 2020.05.16
  • 심사 : 2020.12.26
  • 발행 : 2020.12.31


With the advancement of information technology, the application of augmented reality (AR) in dentistry is an emerging research field of image-guided surgery and dental education. In addition, the digital approach to incorporating AR in dental practice management is considered to be feasible. A prototype is developed to apply AR to dental daily clinical practice in order to help dentists to access electronic dental records. This prototype delivers patients' information and related clinical data to dental clinicians directly without the need to search for the appropriate patients. Wearable AR devices are considered to be a convenient tool for practicing dentists because dental practitioners are not always able to use a computer during active clinical sessions, such as implant placement, root canal treatment, and patient-doctor communication. The use of AR to visualize passive transferred patient data would be valuable for practicing dentists.



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