Impact of Social Networks in Educational Media

  • Al-Said, Khaleel M. (Department of Educational Technology Faculty of Educational Sciences, Middle East University) ;
  • Al Said, Nidal (College of Mass Communication, Ajman University) ;
  • Hattab, Ezz (ALDAR University College)
  • 투고 : 2020.09.10
  • 심사 : 2020.11.12
  • 발행 : 2020.12.31


This study aims to determine whether student participation on Twitter affects academic performance. The key goals of the training course were to acquire social networking knowledge and skills and to learn how to share information, be productive in discussions, and create an interest-based community. The initial sample comprised 286 students from Jordan universities, 68.4% of whom agreed to participate in the study. Undergraduate students accounted for 73.9%, and graduate students accounted for 26.1%. Only 14.3% of the students chose the Twitter-based learning model. This is a mixed-methods study that integrates quantitative and qualitative approaches. The undergraduate students were found to tweet more and have more likes, while graduate students had more followers and were following more accounts. Moreover, 21% of the participants were the most active. Spearman's correlation analysis revealed a connection between participation in social media and student performance. Therefore, the results of this study may help educational professionals and education managers.



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