A Study on the Hwaho farm of Kumamoto during the Japanese colonial period

일제강점기 구마모토(熊本)농장 화호지장에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2020.10.10
  • Accepted : 2020.11.21
  • Published : 2020.11.25


This study focused on the Hwaho farm among Japanese farms that were at the center of rural exploitation during the Japanese colonial period. The contents of the study examined who Kumamoto, the owner of the farm, was, how he entered Chosun and Hwaho-ri, and how much land he owned. And what kind of buildings were in the Hwaho farm during the Japanese colonial period, how they were arranged, and how the space was organized according to the arrangement of buildings. Hwaho farm, the subject of the study, was the farm that managed the most land among Kumamoto's farms. Currently, farmer's housing, Japanese employee housing, warehouses, and medical examination centers remain. In addition to Kumamoto, other Japanese and related buildings remain throughout the town. However, in recent years, a number of houses of enemy property such as Daue House, Sowha Ryokan, and shops are being destroyed without any records or investigations, so this study aims to record academic records of houses of enemy property remaining in Hwaho-ri Village.



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