Smart Glasses Technologies for Trustworthy, Augmented Reality, See-Through Eyes-Direct Communications as Substitute for Smart Phones

스마트폰 대체재로서의 신뢰증강보는통신용 스마트안경 기술

  • Published : 2019.10.01


In this paper, we present the R&D status of ETRI's Trusted Reality (TR) project and its core technologies. ETRI's TR project focuses on the next-generation paradigm of smart phones, ETRI-TR Smart Glasses, which aims to provide the same features as those of smart phones without the involvement of any handheld device. Furthermore, they are characterized by additional features enabled by trustworthy VR/AR/MR/XR, such as privacy masking/unmasking, distributed structure of thin-client computing/networking among TR-Glasses, TR-LocalEdge, and TR-RemoteEdge, with novel see-through eyes-direct communication between IoT real/virtual objects and human eyes. Based on these core technologies of the ETRI's TR project, the human-held ETRI-TR Smart Glasses is expected to aid in the realization of XR vision with particularly more XR's safe_privacy on social life in the near future.



Grant : 포스트 스마트폰 시대를 대비한 Trusted Reality 핵심기술 개발

Supported by : 한국전자통신연구원


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