Intelligent Sensor Technology Trend for Smart IT Convergence Platform

스마트 IT 융합 플랫폼을 위한 지능형 센서 기술 동향

  • Published : 2019.10.01


As the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and big data have received a lot of attention as key growth engines in the era of the fourth industrial revolution, data acquisition and utilization in mobile, automotive, robotics, manufacturing, agriculture, health care and national defense are becoming more important. Due to numerous data-based industrial changes, demand for sensor technologies is exploding, especially for intelligent sensor technologies that combine control, judgement, storage and communication functions with the sensors's own functions. Intelligent sensor technology can be defined as a convergence component technology that combines intelligent sensor units, intelligent algorithms, modules with signal processing circuits, and integrated plaform technologies. Intelligent sensor technology, which can be applied to variety of smart IT convergence services such as smart devices, smart homes, smart cars, smart factory, smart cities, and others, is evolving towards intelligent and convergence technologies that produce new high-value information through recognition, reasoning, and judgement based on artificial intelligence. As a result, development of intelligent sensor units is accelerating with strategies for miniaturization, low-power consumption and convergence, new form factor such as flexible and stretchable form, and integration of high-resolution sensor arrays. In the future, these intelligent sensor technologies will lead explosive sensor industries in the era of data-based artificial intelligence and will greatly contribute to enhancing nation's competitiveness in the global sensor market. In this report, we analyze and summarize the recent trends in intelligent sensor technologies, especially those for four core technologies.



Grant : Skintronics를 위한 감각 입출력 패널 핵심 기술 개발

Supported by : 정보통신기술진흥센터


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