황룡사 창건 구층목탑 단상

A Study on the Architecture of the Original Nine-Story Wooden Pagoda at Hwangnyongsa Temple

  • 이주헌 (국립문화재연구소 고고연구실)
  • Lee, Ju-heun (Archaeological Research Office of the National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage)
  • 투고 : 2019.03.25
  • 심사 : 2019.05.15
  • 발행 : 2019.06.30


"삼국유사(三國遺事)"에 의하면 황룡사 구층목탑은 백제의 장인 아비지(阿非知)에 의해 선덕여왕 13년(645)에 건립된 것으로 전한다. 이후 고려 고종 25년(1238) 몽고군의 침략으로 사찰이 완전히 불타버리기 전까지 약 700년 동안 당시대인의 정신문화 속에서 최고의 자리를 차지하는 상징이자 호국불교의 구심체로서 존재하였다. 그동안 많은 연구자들이 문헌기록과 발굴조사 자료를 근거로 황룡사 창건 목탑에 대한 구조와 전체적인 형태에 대한 다양한 복원안을 제시해왔다. 하지만 그들이 제시한 황룡사 목탑의 모습은 기본적으로 현재 남아 있는 목탑지의 외형적인 형태와 단순한 목구조를 가정한 사각구층의 형태였다. 이는 관련 자료의 부족과 제한된 지식으로 인해 황룡사 창건 목탑의 기술적 계보에 대한 충분한 인식이 부족한 시기에 이루어진 것이어서 새로운 자료의 발견과 고대 대형 불탑의 구조 체계에 대한 인식 정도에 따라 충분히 수정될 수 있을 것으로 생각한다. 본고에서는 2005년부터 진행된 <황룡사 복원 연구>를 통해 정리된 목탑지에 대한 재분석 자료를 근거로 동아시아 고대 불탑의 구조 체계에 대한 폭넓은 이해 속에서 황룡사 창건 목탑의 계보와 구조에 대한 새로운 인식이 필요함을 제안해보고자 한다. 황룡사 창건 목탑은 통일신라와 고려시대에 걸쳐 적어도 두 번의 큰 중창을 겪는 동안 기단의 규모와 평면 형식 등이 변화된 것으로 추정되며, 이에 따라 상부 구조에도 큰 변화가 있었을 것으로 파악된다. 발굴조사 결과 드러난 유구에서 삼국시대에 만들어진 것으로 전하는 구층목탑과 관련된 흔적은 현재 판축으로 조성된 기단토와 심초석 정도이며, 그외 초석과 기단 석재 등 대부분은 9세기 이후의 것일 가능성이 높다. 따라서 황룡사 창건 목탑의 실질적인 구조는 당시 동아시아 대형 불탑의 변화과정 속에서 이해하여야 하며, 기술적 계보는 북조의 영향을 받은 백제의 대형 불탑에서 찾아야 할 것이다. 나아가 남산 탑곡 마애조상군에 표현된 9층 마애탑의 모습과 황룡사지 강당지에서 출토된 금동제 불탑 난간편 분석을 통하여 파악된 고고자료를 근거로 황룡사 창건 목탑의 이미지를 추정해본다면 외형상으로뿐만 아니라 구조적으로도 지금까지 우리가 인식하고 있던 순수한 목구조를 한 사각구층탑과는 다른 형태로 파악되는데, 아마도 실심체를 갖춘 이원 구조의 팔각구층탑일 것으로 파악된다.

According to the Samguk Yusa, the nine-story wooden pagoda at Hwangnyongsa Temple was built by a Baekje artisan named Abiji in 645. Until the temple was burnt down completely during the Mongol invasion of Korea in 1238, it was the greatest symbol of the spiritual culture of the Korean people at that time and played an important role in the development of Buddhist thought in the country for about 700 years. At present, the only remaining features of Hwangnyongsa Temple, which is now in ruins, are the pagoda's stylobate and several foundation stones. In the past, many researchers made diverse inferences concerning the restoration of the original structure and the overall architecture of the wooden pagoda at Hwangnyongsa Temple, based on written records and excavation data. However, this information, together with the remaining external structure of the pagoda site and the assumption that it was a simple wooden structure, actually suggest that it was a rectangular-shaped nine-story pagoda. It is assumed that such ideas were suggested at a time when there was a lack of relevant data and limited knowledge on the subject, as well as insufficient information about the technical lineage of the wooden pagoda at Hwangnyongsa Temple; therefore, these ideas should be revised in respect of the discovery of new data and an improved level of awareness about the structural features of large ancient Buddhist pagodas. This study focused on the necessity of raising awareness of the lineage and structure of the wooden pagoda at Hwangnyongsa Temple and gaining a broader understanding of the structural system of ancient Buddhist pagodas in East Asia. The study is based on a reanalysis of data about the site of the wooden pagoda obtained through research on the restoration of Hwangnyongsa Temple, which has been ongoing since 2005. It is estimated that the wooden pagoda underwent at least two large-scale repairs between the Unified Silla and Goryeo periods, during which the size of the stylobate and the floor plan were changed and, accordingly, the upper structure was modified to a significant degree. Judging by the features discovered during excavation and investigation, traces relating to the nine-story wooden pagoda built during the Three Kingdoms Period include the earth on which the stylobate was built and the central pillar's supporting stone, which had been reinstalled using the rammed earth technique, as well as other foundation stones and stylobate stone materials that most probably date back to the ninth century or earlier. It seems that the foundation stones and stylobate stone materials were new when the reliquaries were enshrined again in the pagoda after the Unified Silla period, so the first story and upper structure would have been of a markedly different size to those of the original wooden pagoda. In addition, during the Goryeo period, these foundation stones were rearranged, and the cover stone was newly installed; therefore, the pagoda would seem to have undergone significant changes in size and structure compared to previous periods. Consequently, the actual structure of the original wooden pagoda at Hwangnyongsa Temple should be understood in terms of the changes in large Buddhist pagodas built in East Asia at that time, and the technical lineage should start with the large Buddhist pagodas of the Baekje dynasty, which were influenced by the Northern dynasty of China. Furthermore, based on the archeological data obtained from the analysis of the images of the nine-story rock-carved pagoda depicted on the Rock-carved Buddhas in Tapgok Valley at Namsan Mountain in Gyeongju, and the gilt-bronze rail fragments excavated from the lecture hall at the site of Hwangnyongsa Temple, the wooden pagoda would appear to have originally been an octagonal nine-story pagoda with a dual structure, rather than a simple rectangular wooden structure.



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