SDN-based wireless body area network routing algorithm for healthcare architecture

  • Cicioglu, Murtaza (School of Electrical-Electronic and Computer Engineering, Duzce University) ;
  • Calhan, Ali (Computer Engineering Department, Duzce University)
  • 투고 : 2018.11.17
  • 심사 : 2019.04.28
  • 발행 : 2019.08.02


The use of wireless body area networks (WBANs) in healthcare applications has made it convenient to monitor both health personnel and patient status continuously in real time through wearable wireless sensor nodes. However, the heterogeneous and complex network structure of WBANs has some disadvantages in terms of control and management. The software-defined network (SDN) approach is a promising technology that defines a new design and management approach for network communications. In order to create more flexible and dynamic network structures in WBANs, this study uses the SDN approach. For this, a WBAN architecture based on the SDN approach with a new energy-aware routing algorithm for healthcare architecture is proposed. To develop a more flexible architecture, a controller that manages all HUBs is designed. The proposed architecture is modeled using the Riverbed Modeler software for performance analysis. The simulation results show that the SDN-based structure meets the service quality requirements and shows superior performance in terms of energy consumption, throughput, successful transmission rate, and delay parameters according to the traditional routing approach.



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