Digital Olfactory Based Dementia Screening and Cognitive Enhancer Content

후각 바이오 정보 기반 치매 가상증강콘텐츠 기술 동향

  • Published : 2019.08.01


The olfactory bio technology is largely based on its corresponding recognition technology and smell stimulus that acquires, analyzes, and processes volatile organic compounds present in chemical molecules, which are present in the breath or air evoked by an electronic nose artificially imitating the human biological nose. The olfactory bio technology is also based on a scent display technology that automatically diverges various digital flavors based on aesthetics, concentration, duration, and intensity information required to enhance the sensibility using a computer. Recently, attempts have been made to apply noninvasive screening of dementia by sensing, analyzing, encoding, and transmitting bio information obtained through an olfactory interface, both domestically and externally; further, the olfactory medical content technology has been applied to delay or reduce the onset of dementia. In this study, we will focus on early screening of dementia using olfactory biology information and dementia cognitive enhancer content that delays or reduces the onset of dementia.



Grant : 비접촉식 치매 선별 시스템 및 인지 재활 증강 콘텐츠 기술개발

Supported by : 정보통신기획평가원


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