A Study on the Relation of Tingling Disease and Accumulation in 『Huangdineijing』

『황제내경(黃帝內經)』의 비(痺)와 적(積)의 관계에 대한 고찰(考察)

  • Baik, Yousang (Dept. of Korean Medical Classics, College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Suh, Junho (Dept. of Science in Korean Medicine, Graduate School, Kyung Hee University)
  • 백유상 (경희대학교 한의학과대학 원전학교실) ;
  • 서준호 (경희대학교대학원 기초한의과학과)
  • Received : 2019.10.30
  • Accepted : 2019.11.04
  • Published : 2019.11.25


Objectives : In this study, the relationship between Tingling disease(痺證) and Accumulation (積) was examined focusing on the occurrence of Tingling disease and its development into tangible lesion. Methods : Based on related contents in the "Huangdineijing", the process of creation and development of Tingling and its transformation to Accumulation was mainly examined. Results : While Tingling disease is usually caused by the three Qis of Wind-Cold-Dampness, due to its Yin nature there is high tendency of Qi and blood to be blocked and Blood and Fluid-Humor agglomerating into Accumulation. Symptoms of dysaesthesia are merely expressions manifesting in this process. Development into colic accumulation [疝瘕], Gu(蠱), or convulsion[瘛] after Tingling has traveled to the five zang is also related to its transformation into Accumulation. In the case of Tingling disease of the five zang in the "Huangdineijing", it is not a diagnostic category for treatment but actual lesions in the five zang six fu. In other words, in the beginning stages of Tingling disease, some sort of solidification that causes abnormal senses among other symptoms happens, and this solidification starts taking up space within the flesh. If it is not eliminated and persists, it enters into the inner organs and develops Tingling disease of the zangfu. Conclusions : Understanding Tingling disease(痺證) as a presymptom to developing Accumulation, rather than abnormality of sense will enable people to have higher chances in treating tumor.



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