Epidemiological characteristics on new cases of notified tuberculosis in Jeju Province, Korea, 2011~2018

제주도 결핵 신환자 발생의 역학적 특성, 2011~2018

  • Jang, Sungryul (Jeju Center for Infectious Disease Control and Prevention) ;
  • Kim, Dae Soon (Jeju Center for Infectious Disease Control and Prevention) ;
  • Bae, Jong-Myon (Jeju Center for Infectious Disease Control and Prevention)
  • Received : 2019.07.05
  • Accepted : 2019.08.14
  • Published : 2019.08.31


While the notified crude incidence rates(per 100,000 persons, CIR) of new tuberculosis between 2016 and 2017 decreased in nationwide and 16 provinces, except Jeju Province, Korea. The aim of this study was to compare CIRs of Jeju Province and nationwide by calendar years and age groups in order to interpret the increasing trend of CIR in Jeju Province. The data source was the Integrated Diseases and Health Control System of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The selection criteria were the notified new cases as tuberculosis, who had the address as Jeju Province at diagnosis, between 2011 and 2018. The 95% confidence interval of CIR was estimated based on Poisson distribution. There was not statistically significant difference of CIRs between Nationwide and Jeju Province of 2011 and 2018, except 2016. Especially the CIR of group aged over 65 years in Jeju Province, 2016 was significantly lower compared to Nationwide CIR. But, the CIR of group aged 30~50 between 2017 and 2018 showed significantly higher compared to Nationwide CIR. Based on the results, the fact of increasing CIR from 2016 to 2017 in Jeju Province might be interpreted as an introduction of new tuberculosis screening project rather than real increased CIRs.



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