Acute Concussion Evaluation의 한국어 번역 및 문화적 개작: 예비 연구

Development of Korean Version of Acute Concussion Evaluation using Cross-cultural Translation Methodology: Pilot Study

  • 투고 : 2019.09.11
  • 심사 : 2019.10.06
  • 발행 : 2019.10.31


Objectives The purpose of this study is to provide Korean version of mild traumatic brain injury assessment tool. Methods The original version of acute concussion evaluation (ACE) was translated into Korean, and it was then back-translated into English without any prior knowledge of ACE. Finally, the pre-final version of Korean version of acute concussion evaluation (K-ACE) was derived. 49 Korean patients who had been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury participated in the study and completed K-ACE. Overall, 44 data were used to analyze findings. Validity of the study was assessed based on Concurrent validity. Reliability was also evaluated using Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ and the intraclass correlation coefficient. Results The Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ value for each item presented a proper level of internal consistency with results of 0.711 to 0.893 in two evaluations, respectively. The intraclass correlation coefficient of the retest reliability was marked as 0.892 (95% CI 0.840~0.933). Concurrent validity demonstrated positive correlations between K-ACE and Korean version of postconcussional syndrome questionnaire. Conclusions The K-ACE is concluded as a valid and reliable tool for measuring mild traumatic brain injury and post-concussion symptoms. Upon completion of the follow-up study, the K-ACE will be well-utilized by both clinicians and researchers.



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