한반도 남부 해안의 융기율 비교

Comparison of Uplift Rate in the Southern Coast of the Korean Peninsula

  • Lee, Gwang-Ryul (Department of Geography Education, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Park, Chung-Sun (Department of Geography, Kyungpook National University)
  • 투고 : 2019.05.20
  • 심사 : 2019.06.20
  • 발행 : 2019.06.30


This study tries to reveal and compare uplift rates in the southern coast of the Korean Peninsula, based on absolute ages from coastal terrace on the coast. The uplift rate in the East Coast from previous study ranges from 0.258 to 0.357 m/ka with a median rate of 0.262 m/ka and shows an increase trend from north to south. Median uplift rate of 0.082 m/ka with minimum and maximum rates of 0.053 m/ka and 0.127 m/ka, respectively, is calculated in the South Coast from previous and this studies. The uplift rate in the West Coast from 3 absolute ages in this study is 0.082~0.112 m/ka with a median rate of 0.090 m/ka. Based on these uplift rates in the southern coast of the Korean Peninsula, it can be concluded that since MIS 5, the East Coast has experienced 3 to 4 times faster uplift rate than the West and South Coasts. However, this study suggests that more discussion on whether these uplift rates are long-term tectonic movement associated with tilted warping movement since the Tertiary or short-term tectonic movement associated with isostatic rebound due to sea level change since the Last Interglacial is needed.



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