Artificial Intelligence and the Virtual Multi-Door ODR Platform for Small Value Cross-Border e-Commerce Disputes

  • Chung, Yongkyun (Department of International Trade, Kangwon National University)
  • Received : 2019.08.10
  • Accepted : 2019.08.30
  • Published : 2019.09.11


In recent times, the volume of cross-border e-commerce has witnessed an upward trend and has been accompanied by increased disputes, with cross-border e-commerce being characterized mainly by low value and large volume issues. For this reason, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) was formed to carry out dispute resolutions in cross-border e-commerce. A virtual multi-door ODR platform for small value, cross-border disputes in e-commerce is then proposed in this paper. For a couple of decades, researchers have tried to employ Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Law. However, it turns out that they were faced with a couple of obstacles to integrate AI to Law since it is highly difficult to program AI to process the common sense of a human being. For example, AI cannot assimilate the affective side of a human being, and it is problematic to integrate a human being's common sense into the AI system. Considering this situation, this study puts forward an ODR model for cross-border e-commerce in the evolutionary perspective.



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  1. 'Artificial Intelligence' Acceptability in Online Dispute Resolution: A Comparison Study of Korean Age Groups vol.30, pp.3, 2019,