Post-earthquake warning for Vrancea seismic source based on code spectral acceleration exceedance

  • Balan, Stefan F. (National Institute for Earth Physics) ;
  • Tiganescu, Alexandru (National Institute for Earth Physics) ;
  • Apostol, Bogdan F. (National Institute for Earth Physics) ;
  • Danet, Anton (National Institute for Earth Physics)
  • 투고 : 2019.05.18
  • 심사 : 2019.08.30
  • 발행 : 2019.10.25


Post-earthquake crisis management is a key capability for a country to be able to recover after a major seismic event. Instrumental seismic data transmitted and processed in a very short time can contribute to better management of the emergency and can give insights on the earthquake's impact on a specific area. Romania is a country with a high seismic hazard, mostly due to the Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes. The elastic acceleration response spectrum of a seismic motion provides important information on the level of maximum acceleration the buildings were subjected to. Based on new data analysis and knowledge advancements, the acceleration elastic response spectrum for horizontal ground components recommended by the Romanian seismic codes has been evolving over the last six decades. This study aims to propose a framework for post-earthquake warning based on code spectrum exceedances. A comprehensive background analysis was undertaken using strong motion data from previous earthquakes corroborated with observational damage, to prove the method's applicability. Moreover, a case-study for two densely populated Romanian cities (Focsani and Bucharest) is presented, using data from a $5.5M_W$ earthquake (October 28, 2018) and considering the evolution of the three generations of code-based spectral levels for the two cities. Data recorded in free-field and in buildings were analyzed and has confirmed that no structural damage occurred within the two cities. For future strong seismic events, this tool can provide useful information on the effect of the earthquake on structures in the most exposed areas.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : MCI


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