Use of natural ingredients in Japanese quail diet and their effect on carcass and meat quality - A review

  • Vargas-Sanchez, Rey David (Meat and Meat Products Research Laboratory, Department of Technology of Animal Origin Food, Research Center for Food and Development) ;
  • Ibarra-Arias, Felix Joel (Alta Tecnologia Industrial para la Salud Animal) ;
  • Torres-Martinez, Brisa del Mar (Meat and Meat Products Research Laboratory, Department of Technology of Animal Origin Food, Research Center for Food and Development) ;
  • Sanchez-Escalante, Armida (Meat and Meat Products Research Laboratory, Department of Technology of Animal Origin Food, Research Center for Food and Development) ;
  • Torrescano-Urrutia, Gaston Ramon (Meat and Meat Products Research Laboratory, Department of Technology of Animal Origin Food, Research Center for Food and Development)
  • 투고 : 2018.10.25
  • 심사 : 2019.01.15
  • 발행 : 2019.11.01


The present paper reviews the findings of different research studies on the effect of natural ingredients in the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) diet on carcass characteristics and meat quality. The results show a relationship between the type and concentration of ingredients used in diets and carcass characteristics and meat quality. The inclusion of medicinal herbs (thyme, black seed, and mint), plants (canola), seeds (chickpea), spices (cinnamon and coriander), worms (earthworms), bee products (propolis), phytochemicals (lycopene), and edible fungi (common mushrooms) in the diet improved carcass quality characteristics compared to the control diets (basal diets). The inclusion of medicinal herbs (spearmint and green tea), spices (cinnamon), vegetables (tomato), plants (verbena and canola), seeds (marijuana), and edible fungi (oyster mushrooms) improved meat quality. In conclusion, the use of ingredients of natural origin in the diet of Japanese quail improves carcass quality characteristics and meat quality.



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