Delay Factors in Building Construction Projects in Rwanda

  • Received : 2019.08.14
  • Accepted : 2019.10.10
  • Published : 2019.10.20


Delay is one of the most critical issues for construction projects and leads to huge losses in both developing and industrialized countries. The construction sector in Rwanda, a rapidly-developing nation, is no exception. Delays can be mitigated only once we have identify their primary causes, and these may not be the same in each region. This study aims to ascertain the main critical factors responsible for delays in building construction in Rwanda through an intensive literature review and questionnaire survey. A total of 40 delay causative factors were obtained from a literature review and were further classified into nine major categories. The questionnaire survey was distributed to about 80 respondents from clients, contractors, and consultants. From the list of 40 different factors, the top twelve most critical causes were identified as stoppage of work due to cash flow constraints, delay in approving design documents, confidentiality of physical plan, price fluctuations and delay in approving significant change, change orders, delay in performing inspections, Ineffective project planning, inadequate drawing details, unqualified labor, lack of materials on the market and dishonesty.



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