Field test of the long-term settlement for the post-grouted pile in the deep-thick soft soil

  • Zou, Jin-Feng (School of Civil Engineering, Central South University) ;
  • Yang, Tao (School of Civil Engineering, Central South University) ;
  • Deng, Dong-ping (School of Civil Engineering, Central South University)
  • Received : 2019.07.06
  • Accepted : 2019.09.26
  • Published : 2019.10.10


The long-term settlement characteristics for the cast-in-place bored pile in the deep-thick soft soil are investigated by post-grouting field tests. Six cast-in-place bored engineering piles and three cast-in-place bored test piles are installed to study the long-term settlement characteristics. Three post-grouting methods (i.e., post-tip-grouting, post-side-grouting, and tip and side post-grouting) are designed and carried out by field tests. Results of the local test show that decreased settlements for the post-side-grouted pile, the post-tip-grouted pile and the tip and side post-grouted pile are 22.2%~25.8%, 30.10%~35.98% and 32.40%~35.50%, respectively, compared with non-grouted piles. The side friction resistance for non-grouted piles, post-side-grouted pile, post-tip-grouted pile and the tip and side post-grouted pile undertakes 89.6~91.3%, 94.6%, 92.4%~93.0%, 95.7% of the total loading, respectively. At last, the parameters back analysis method and numerical calculation are adopted to predict the long-term settlement characteristics of the cast-in-place bored pile in the deep-thick soft soil. Determined Bulk modulus (K) and a creep parameter (Ks) are used for the back analysis of the long-term settlement of the post-grouted pile. The settlement difference between the back analysis and the measurement data is about 1.11%-7.41%. Long-term settlement of the post-grouted piles are predicted by the back analysis method, and the predicted results show that the settlement of the post-grouted pile are less than 6 mm and will be stable in 30 days.



Supported by : Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology


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