Level of Self-Efficacy of Science Teachers Towards Engaging Students

  • 투고 : 2019.07.15
  • 심사 : 2019.08.12
  • 발행 : 2019.08.31


The study aimed at investigating the level of self-efficacy of science teachers towards student engagement. Although the general self-efficacy of teachers has been explored a lot but the efficacy of science teacher has not been explored more and student engagement is crucial towards understanding of science concepts. Therefore, the main purpose of the study was to find the self-efficacy of science teachers mainly towards three dimensions of student engagement (Behavioral, Cognitive and Emotional engagement). The study was carried with 150 secondary science teachers as Kathmandu. Secondary science teachers were found to be moderately high efficacious in all aspects of behavioral engagement of students except four aspects in which they showed moderate efficacy. Regarding the self-efficacy on cognitive engagement they were moderately efficacious in two aspects and were found to be moderately high efficacious in other all aspects. However, science teachers' self-efficacy was found to be moderately high. Teachers were found to be efficacious in making clasroom constructive, developing collaborative skill and high order thinking among the students. However in some aspects they were found less efficacious.



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