고추 식물의 건조 스트레스 완화를 위한 미생물 선발

Screening of Bacterial Strains for Alleviating Drought Stress in Chili Pepper Plants

  • 김상태 (농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농업생물부 농업미생물과) ;
  • 유성제 (농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농업생물부 농업미생물과) ;
  • 송재경 (농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농업생물부 농업미생물과) ;
  • 원항연 (농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농업생물부 농업미생물과) ;
  • 상미경 (농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농업생물부 농업미생물과)
  • Kim, Sang Tae (Division of Agricultural Microbiology, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Yoo, Sung-Je (Division of Agricultural Microbiology, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Song, Jaekyeong (Division of Agricultural Microbiology, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Weon, Hang-Yeon (Division of Agricultural Microbiology, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Sang, Mee Kyung (Division of Agricultural Microbiology, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration)
  • 투고 : 2019.07.09
  • 심사 : 2019.09.02
  • 발행 : 2019.09.30


식물 근권과 내생에서 분리한 447 균주 중 식물 생장 촉진특성과 건조 내성이 있는 28 균주를 일차적으로 스크리닝 하였으며, PEG에 의한 인위적 건조 스트레스 조건에서 잎의 상대수분함량과 MDA를 기반으로 GLC02와 KJ40을 선발하였다. 이 두 균주의 효과를 검증하기 위해 밭흙을 사용한 자연 건조에서 식물 포트 검정을 하였으며, 기공전도도와 지상부(줄기와 잎) 무게가 유의하게 증가한 반면 MDA가 감소하였다. 병 억제 효과에서는 GLC02를 처리할 경우 역병의 병진전도가 감소하였으며, KJ40을 처리할 경우 세균성 점무늬병에 대한 억제효과가 있었다. 이를 토대로, GLC02와 KJ40을 처리할 경우 건조 스트레스를 경감시켜주며 식물생장의 증진, 병 억제효과를 유도하여 생물비료의 소재로 사용할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.

Drought stress is considered as one of major abiotic stresses; it leads to reduce plant growth and crop productivity. In this study, we selected bacterial strains for alleviating drought stress in chili pepper plants. As drought-tolerant bacteria, 28 among 447 strains were pre-selected by in vitro assays including growth in drought condition with polyethylene glycol and plant growth-promoting traits including production of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase, indole-3-acetic acid and exopolysaccharide. Sequentially, 7 among pre-selected 28 strains were screened based on relative water content (RWC); GLC02 and KJ40, among seven strains were finally selected by RWC and malondialdehyde (MDA) in planta trials under an artificial drought condition by polyethylene glycol solution. Two strains GLC02 and KJ40 reduced drought stress in a natural drought condition as well as an artificial condition. Strains GLC02 or KJ40 increased shoot fresh weight, chlorophyll and stomatal conductance while they decreased MDA in chili pepper plants under a natural drought condition. However, two strains did not show biocontrol activity against diseases caused by Phytophthora capsici and Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria in chili pepper plants. Taken together, strains GLC02 or KJ40 can be used as bio-fertilizer for alleviation of drought stress in chili pepper plants.



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