Compensation for The Solar Radiation Effect of Radiosonde's Temperature Sensor Using Solar Panel

솔라패널을 이용한 라디오존데 온도센서의 일사보정

  • Received : 2019.05.08
  • Accepted : 2019.07.02
  • Published : 2019.09.30


For the upper air observations, a temperature measurement using radiosonde is a common method, and the compensation of solar radiation effects in the radiosonde temperature sensor is an important factor. In this paper, we present various experiments and compensation methods of the radiosonde temperature sensor to overcome the errors caused by the movement of the radiosonde rotation, etc. The methods and procedures of this study are as follows. First, we used the solar simulator to analyze the temperature variation and solar effect of the temperature sensor in the radiosonde according to the insolation. We also analyzed the temperature variation and solar effect of the temperature sensor according to the incident angle between the solar simulator and radiosonde. Second, we measured and analyzed solar radiation absorbed by solar cells attached to radiosonde. Third, we present combined compensate solution of the first and the second experiment results, to overcome errors caused by insolation effects in the radiosonde temperature sensors. Fourth, we compared that the reference temperature in similar environment with the upper air conditions, to verify the new radiated compensation performance of the radiosonde temperature sensor. Finally, the radiosonde fabricated in this study was raised to the atmosphere, and the laser correction algorithm proposed through experiments was reviewed. As a result of the radiosonde SRS-10 produced in this study, the temperature deviation from Vaisala RS92 was $0.057^{\circ}C$ in nighttime observation, $0.17^{\circ}C$ in daytime observation, It is expected that the GRUAN under WMO will be able to obtain a high test rating of 5.0.



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