Chapter 1 and 2 of this study examined the methodology of modern storytelling using the hero narrative structure. This involved analyses of Joseph Campbell's monomyth structure, which is the prototype model of modern storytelling and Christopher Vogler's story structure in which the monomyth structure is classified into 3 Acts and 12 Stages. In addition, the movie 'Captain America' was analyzed based on Vogler's narrative structure theory. According to the analyses results, the hero of 'Captain America' fully follows Christopher Vogler's hero narrative structure but in some cases, he does not follow the existing hero narrative structure. It is interpreted that this is because heroes of modern tales have different birth backgrounds from mythical heroes. There is also a difference even in the stage where a hero completes all adventures and returns home between modern tales and myths due to different social backgrounds. Therefore, these findings provide a basis for modification and supplementation of a modern hero epic. Through this analysis, the modified modern hero narrative structure is evaluated to be appropriate as a basic model for modern storytelling. Further, it is expected that those who frame a film script can complete a new hero epic while following the structure of syntagmatic systems by selecting a level among Northrop Frye's paragmatic systems based on this structure and considering story themes and heroes' personality and characteristics.