텍스트 분석을 통한 제품 분류 체계 수립방안: 관광분야 App을 중심으로

Building a Hierarchy of Product Categories through Text Analysis of Product Description

  • 투고 : 2019.04.08
  • 심사 : 2019.09.01
  • 발행 : 2019.09.30


With the increasing use of smartphone apps, many apps are coming out in various fields. In order to analyze the current status and trends of apps in a specific field, it is necessary to establish a classification scheme. Various schemes considering users' behavior and characteristics of apps have been proposed, but there is a problem in that many apps are released and a fixed classification scheme must be updated according to the passage of time. Although it is necessary to consider many aspects in establishing classification scheme, it is possible to grasp the trend of the app through the proposal of a classification scheme according to the characteristic of the app. This research proposes a method of establishing an app classification scheme through the description of the app written by the app developers. For this purpose, we collected explanations about apps in the tourism field and identified major categories through topic modeling. Using only the apps corresponding to the topic, we construct a network of words contained in the explanatory text and identify subcategories based on the networks of words. Six topics were selected, and Clauset Newman Moore algorithm was applied to each topic to identify subcategories. Four or five subcategories were identified for each topic.



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