A Study on the Effectiveness of a Robotics curriculum based on "Bee-Bot"

  • Nam, Ki-won (Department of Early Childhood Education, Chung-ang University) ;
  • Kwon, Un-jou (Department of Early Childhood Education, Chung-ang University) ;
  • Han, Seung-chul (Department of Computer Engineering, Myong-ji University)
  • 투고 : 2019.07.15
  • 심사 : 2019.07.30
  • 발행 : 2019.09.30


This study examined the effects of a robotics curriculum based on "Bee-Bot" on the scientific problem-solving ability on 5-year-old children. A robotics curriculum was also designed to enhance their scientific problem-solving ability. This study examined a 4-week robotics curriculum was conducted 12 times for 4 weeks. For this study, 14 children in kindergarten A in Korea were set up as a treatment group and 18 children in kindergarten B in Korea as a control group. It was found that children in the treatment group who engaged in the robotics curriculum using "Bee-Bot" performed better on scientific problem-solving tests. This finding indicates that an enhanced planning experience using "Bee-Bot" was beneficial for improving young children's scientific problem-solving ability. The implications for designing appropriate curricula using "Bee-Bot" robots for kindergarteners are addressed.



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