Dyeing Fastness and Functional Properties of Cotton Dyed with Astringent Persimmon Juice

  • 투고 : 2019.06.28
  • 심사 : 2019.07.10
  • 발행 : 2019.09.30


I reviewed about dyeing fastness and functional properties of the non-mordant dyed cotton and iron mordant dyed cotton with astringent persimmon juice. In the UV-VIS spectrum of astringent persimmon juice, the maximum absorption wavelength of the juice was 272.0 nm, which was a characteristic peak of tannin. In dyeing fastness, light fastness of the non-mordant dyed cotton was a little low at grade 2~3. But by the iron mordant treatment, the light fastness was good at grade 4. Dry cleaning fastness to discoloration and contamination was excellent at grade 4~5 for both the non-mordant dyed cotton and iron-mordant dyed cotton. Their rub fastness were grade 3 and grade 2~3 respectively, in the dry condition, and grade 2~3 and grade 3 respectively, in the wet condition. In the perspiration fastness of the non-mordant dyed cotton, the discoloration from acidity and alkalinity was grade 3~4 and grade 3, respectively, and contamination from acidity and alkalinity was relatively good at grade 4. Meanwhile, in the perspiration fastness of the non-mordant dyed cotton, discoloration from acidity and alkalinity was fair, both recording grade 3~4, and contamination from acidity and alkalinity was very good, both recording grade 4~5. In the ultraviolet protection effect of the non-mordant dyed cotton and iron-mordant dyed cotton, the ultraviolet protection factor was both 50+, both of which showed an excellent ultraviolet blocking effect. And the protection rate of UV-A appeared 98.4% and 99.1%, respectively, and the protection rate of UV-B showed 98.7% and 99.2, respectively. In addition, both exhibited an excellent deodorization rate over 99.9% or more, irrespective of the passage of time. Also, both showed an excellent antimicrobial activity over 99.9% or more against Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae.



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