Daesoon Jinrihoe Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex as Viewed within Feng-Shui Theory

풍수지리로 본 대순진리회 여주본부도장

  • Received : 2019.10.31
  • Accepted : 2019.12.14
  • Published : 2019.12.31


This study aims to reveal that Daesoon Jinrihoe Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex is a sacred place of Gaebyeokgongsa (the Reordering Works of the Great Opening) through the logic of the energy of form in Feng-Shui studies. The Headquarters Temple Complex can illuminate the lamp of coexistence, emerge as a place for cultivation, and support the era of human nobility with Gucheonsangje (the Supreme God of the Ninth Heaven) as an object of faith. Virtuous Concordance of Yin and Yang, Harmonious Union between Divine Beings and Human Beings, the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence, and Perfected Unification with Dao are the mission statements of this great site. For this purpose, it is necessary to investigate the headquarters according to integral Feng-Shui Theory. Doing so can provide proof that the geographic location, landscape, yin-yang harmonizing, and flowing veins of terrestrial energy at Headquarters Temple Complex are all profoundly auspicious. At the same time, this data also allows further study into the interactions of dragon-veins, energy hubs, surrounding mountains, and watercourses, which reveal how Daesoon Jinrihoe Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex promotes the basic works of propagation, edification, and cultivation and three societal works of charity aid, social welfare, and education for the purpose of global propagation, saving beings, and building an earthly paradise by reforming humanity and engaging in spiritual civilization. This must be done on site with proper Feng-Shui in order to open up the era of human nobility upon the Great Opening of the Later World. As the center of the religious order, Daesoon Jinrihoe, Yeoju Headquarter Temple Complex has the general Feng-Shui characteristic of Baesanimsu (a back supported by a mountain and a front facing water). Through discussing the Feng-Shui of Daesoon Jinrihoe's Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex as the center of humankind's resolution of grievances for mutual beneficence, this study would explore growth-supporting land that delivers future rewards through Feng-Shui symbolism and the ethical practice of grateful reciprocation of favors for mutual beneficence. This exploration will reveal how the geographical features and conditions of the Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex make it a place fit for spiritual cultivation. It is a miraculous luminous court surrounded by mountains, where auspicious signs in eight directions gather. Its veins of terrestrial energy harmonize with clean water energy as it is affectionately situated within its natural environment. Its location corresponds with the Feng-Shui theory of dragon-veins, energy hubs, surrounding mountains, and watercourses. Thus, with regards to the Feng-Shui of Daesoon Jinrihoe's Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex, this study examines the flows of mountains and waters and focuses on how the site is based on the logic of Feng-Shui. More generally, the geographical features of the surrounding mountains are likewise examined. An analysis of the relationship between Poguk (布局) of Sasinsa (animal symbols of the four directions, four gods, including blue dragon of the east, red phoenix of the south, white tiger of the west, and black tortoise of the north) and the location will be provided while focusing on the Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex. This study supports the feasibility of further Feng-Shui studies of the Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex based on traditional geomancy books that focusing on Hyeonggi (Energy of Form) Theory.

본 논문은 구천상제를 신앙의 대상으로 여기고 음양합덕·신인조화·해원상생·도통진경을 종지로 하여 상생의 등불, 수도의 터전, 인존시대를 여는 대순진리회 여주본부도장을 풍수학의 형기(形氣)적 이치를 통해 개벽공사 성지(聖地)임을 밝히고자 하였다. 그러기 위해서는 이를 입증할 수 있는 대순진리회 여주본부도장의 지리적 위치, 산수의 음양관계, 지맥(地脈)의 행도(行度) 과정 등 풍수지리 전반에 걸쳐 고찰이 필요하다 하겠다. 동시에 인간개조와 정신개벽으로 포덕천하(布德天下), 구제창생(救濟蒼生), 지상천국(地上天國) 건설을 목적으로 포덕(布德)·교화(敎化)·수도(修道)의 기본사업과 구호자선사업·사회복지사업·교육사업의 3대 중요사업을 추진해오고 있는 대순진리회 여주본부도장이 후천개벽의 인존시대를 열어갈 풍수적 적지임을 말해주는 용(龍), 혈(穴), 사(砂), 수(水)의 상호작용에 관한 연구도 매우 중요하다. 종단의 중심인 여주본부도장은 배산임수(背山臨水)의 풍수적 국세를 두루 갖추고 있다. 인류 해원상생(解冤相生)의 중심인 대순진리회 여주본부도장에 대한 풍수적 고찰을 통하여 풍수적 상징성과 보은상생(報恩相生)의 윤리 실천을 통해 미래를 밝혀 나갈 생왕지지(生旺之地)에 대해 탐색하고, 팔방(八方)의 상서로운 기운이 모인 이곳 본부도장의 영험한 명당국세의 수도처적(修道處的) 지세와 형국, 맑은 수기(水氣)와 어울린 지맥(地脈), 산수유정한 국세, 용혈사수(龍穴砂水)의 이치에 부합한 여주본부도장의 풍수적 입지를 밝히고자 했다. 따라서 본 논문의 주제인 대순진리회 여주본부도장의 풍수적 입지와 관련하여 현장을 중심으로 산과 물의 흐름을 풍수지리 이치에 근거하여 살피고 주변의 산세가 어떤 형태로 호응하고 있는지를 전반적으로 살펴보았다. 여주본부도장을 중심으로 사신사(四神砂)인 청룡, 백호, 주작, 현무 등의 포국(布局)과 입지의 연관성을 고찰하고자 형기론(形氣論)을 중심으로 전래 된 전통 지리서(地理書) 등을 토대로 여주본부도장의 풍수적 연구의 타당성을 뒷받침하고자 했다.



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