A Study on the Excavation of Superior Fishing Village Community in the Management of the Use of Mudflat Fishing Grounds with using Ostrom (1990)'s Principles

Ostrom(1990)의 원칙을 이용한 갯벌어장의 이용·관리 우수 어촌계 발굴에 관한 연구

  • Kang, Seok-Kyu (Department of Business Administration, Jeju National University)
  • Received : 2019.05.20
  • Accepted : 2019.06.23
  • Published : 2019.06.30


This study is to excavate superior fishing communities by applying the Ostrom (1990)'s principles of sustainable and successful use of common goods. Ostrom(1990)'s principles are (1) clearly defined boundaries (2) congruence between appropriation and provision rules and local conditions, (3) collective choice arrangements (4) monitoring (5) graduated sanctions (6) conflict-resolution mechanism (7) recognition of rights to organize by external government authorities (8) nested enterprises. The survey was carried out under the individual interview method of 15 fishing village members in 32 fishing communities with the government's fishery environment improvement and fishery creation projects. The total effective samples are 477. These data were analyzed. The analysis result shows that 24 fishing villages are selected among the 32 fishing communities in the samples, including Nanji, Sanghwang, Songseok, Sinshido, Jukyo, Jinsan, Changli, Pado, Beopsan, Rahyang, Palbong, Woongdo, Daehwang, Sapsi, Chido, Jinri, Daeri, Songgak, Joongwang, Ojii, Doripo, Doseong, Mongsan 1ri and Songnim as superior fishing villages. The results of this study have limitation that may vary depending on the rigor of the criteria in the process of deriving good fishing communities. Despite this limitation, this study has expanded existing research focused on validating the theoretical applicability of the framework through case analysis of specific fishing communities to objectively and quantitatively to many fishing communities. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the creation of conditions in which fishermen can continue to manage their fishing grounds and stand on their own feet by presenting the framework and principles for developing desirable fishing village models for the continued use of mudflat shells grounds as the common goods.



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