Exploring Policy Contexts and Sustainable Management Structure for Park Regeneration - A Focus on the Case of Green Estate Ltd, Sheffield, UK -

공원 재생을 위한 정책 및 지속 가능한 경영구조 연구 - 그린 에스테이트 사례를 중심으로 -

  • Nam, Jin-Vo (The Place-keeping Research Group, The University of Sheffield) ;
  • Kim, Nam-Choon (Dept. of Green & Landscape Architecture, Dankook University) ;
  • Kim, Du-Won (Faculty of Biology, Da Lat University)
  • 남진보 (영국 셰필드대학교 The Place-keeping Research Group) ;
  • 김남춘 (단국대학교 녹지조경학과) ;
  • 김두원 (달랏대학교 생물학과)
  • Received : 2019.05.06
  • Accepted : 2019.08.23
  • Published : 2019.08.31


Today, there is increasing recognition of the importance of urban regeneration for better public places. Urban parks as a public area play an important role in harnessing its positive impact on people's well-being: where the standards and funding of/for the parks are getting worse. There is however less a focus on policy approach to park regeneration in the country. Neverthless, a few UK's cases of such innovative park management(PM) has shown successful park regeneration based on policy support. Therefore, the aim of this research is to draw policy implications by exploring a case of successful park regeneration. To address the aim, this research conducts an in-depth case study of 'Manor Fields Park, UK', digging into its PM structure and PM body 'Green Estate Ltd' in relation to relevant policy. The data is mainly collected by interviews including a group interview. The analytical framework 'Place-keeping(PK)' and its six dimensions are employed to determine the characteristics of MFP's PM structure. Resultingly, there is a significant shift in the approach to PM which stresses the principle of long-term and self-sustaining structure led by a non-profit organisation and strong impacts of policy. In this context, PK highlights significant drivers for parks regeneration particularly in terms of policy implications: 1)providing policy support to encourage non-profit organisations in PM, 2)extending community involvement in decision-making processes, 3)promoting income generation by community groups, 4)shifting public awareness of shared responsibility for PM, 5)completing regular park maintenance assessment by community groups, and 6)delivering low-maintenance approaches to PM. To support these implications, PM structure for successful parks regeneration does meet a holistic and multi-dimensional approach of place-keeping underlined by understanding policy contexts and rethinking current status quo of PM. Addressing these implications will shed light on urban PM in an era of austerity and ultimately contribute to improving people's well-being.



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