젊은 만성허리통증자의 허리부위 불안정성 검사 양성반응 수와 호흡패턴변화율, 통증 간의 상관관계분석

Correlation Analysis between Lumbar Instability Test Positive Response Number and Breathing Pattern Change Rate and Pain in Young Peoples with Chronic Low Back Pain

  • 투고 : 2019.05.29
  • 심사 : 2019.08.12
  • 발행 : 2019.08.31


PURPOSE: This study examined the correlation between the visual analog scale (VAS) and the rate of change in the respiration patterns according to the result of Lumbar Instability Tests (LITs) in young people with chronic low back pain (CLBP) METHODS: Thirty-six adults, aged 20-40 years with CLBP, participated in this study. The general characteristics and VAS of the participants were recorded by the subjects themselves and seven structure and functional LITs were conducted. According to the positive response number, the positive group was divided into four groups (group 1: n=8, group 2: n=9, group 3: n=10, group 4: n=9). The breathing pattern change tests were performed in three states: during forced breathing exercise and motor control tests. A total of 13 positive lists were set, each of which was scored by 1 or 2 points according to the severity. After the positive lists were scored, the breathing pattern changing rate (BPCR) and VAS were compared according to the positive response number of LITs, and the correlation between them was analyzed. RESULTS: A strong correlation was observed between the number of positive of LITs and BPCR (r= .863, p= .000) and a moderate correlation between the positive number of LITs and VAS (r= .508, p= .002). In addition, there was a poor correlation between the BPCR and VAS (r= .434, p= .008). CONCLUSION: In young CLBP people, when the structural and functional instability are both present, the changes in the respiratory pattern of the whole body can be varied and broader, and the pain scale also increases.



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피인용 문헌

  1. 만성허리통증자의 호흡 패턴과 배부 운동성 변화에 대한 주관적 허리부위 불안정성 요소의 유용성에 관한 연구 vol.21, pp.3, 2020,