The Effects and Improvement Plans of the Program for Cultivating Elementary School Preservice Teachers' Competency to Manage Science Field Trips

초등 예비교사들의 과학현장학습 운영 능력 함양을 위한 프로그램의 효과와 개선 방안

  • Received : 2019.07.16
  • Accepted : 2019.08.20
  • Published : 2019.08.31


The purpose of this study is to analyze the educational effects and the improvements of the 'Science Field Trips' Program which developed with the aim of fostering the prospective elementary school teachers' ability to manage science field trips. The participants were 13 senior students from a national university of education. The results of the study are as follows: First, with regard to the effectiveness in the science instruction aspect of the prospective teachers' geological field trip as an experiential activity, the responses of the participants were children's 'scientific knowledge'(69.2%), 'science related attitudes'(46.2%), and 'science inquiry'(30.8%). Second, regarding the effectiveness of the geological field trip in their management of science field trips aspects in the future, the responses of the participants were 'teaching strategies'(92.3%), 'plan implementation'(76.9%), 'teacher's science knowledge'(61.5%), 'self-confidence'(38.5%), 'enhancement of awareness of field trips'(23.1%), and 'career guidance'(7.7%). Third, with regard to the effectiveness in the science instruction aspect of their activities of planning a science field trip in their future working districts, the responses of the participants were children's 'science knowledge'(38.5%), 'science-related attitudes'(38.5%), and 'science inquiry'(23.1%). Fourth, regarding the effectiveness in their management of science field trips aspects of the activities of planning a science field trip, the responses of the participants were 'plan implementation'(92.3%), 'the identification of science field trip sites'(84.6%), 'teaching strategies'(76.9%), 'administrative affairs'(69.2%), 'teacher's science knowledge'(30.8%), 'enhancement of awareness of field trips'(23.1%), 'career guidance'(15.4%), and 'self-confidence' (15.4%). The improvements plans of the program and the suggestions for future research is also described in this study.



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