학생들의 과학긍정경험에 영향을 주는 과학교육 선도학교 특성에 대한 질적 탐구

Qualitative Inquiry of Features of Science Education Leading Schools on Students' Positive Experiences about Science

  • 투고 : 2019.06.04
  • 심사 : 2019.07.15
  • 발행 : 2019.08.31


The purpose of this study is to investigate the influences of science leading schools on primary and middle school students' positive experiences about science (PES) through in-depth interviews with teachers in charge of science leading schools. Science leading schools at the primary and middle school level such as Creative Convergent Science Labs and Student Participatory Science Classes were investigated and 11 teachers were participated in focus group interviews. Teacher in-depth interviews were conducted to explore the factors that led to the effectiveness of science leading schools in improving the student's PES in light of operational characteristics of science leading schools, characteristic factors of science leading schools on students PES, and improvement plans and requirements of science leading schools, as well as implications for general high schools. Science leading schools including Creative Convergent Science Labs and Student Participatory Science Classes applied for the leading school funding to secure supplies, equipments, and lab improvement for authentic science classes. In addition, reconstructed the curriculum more broadly than before, and emphasized and expanded student participatory classes and process-centered assessment at the teacher learning community level. Through student-participatory classes, the science leading schools stimulate students' interest in science, provide students with PES) through various instructions including projects, engage students in interesting science experiences in Creative Convergent Science Labs, and enhance inquiry skills and PES as well as science content knowledge. Based on the results, ways to spread the characteristics of science leading schools to general schools are suggested including expanding budget support, securing the space of science labs and improving spatial composition, providing diverse teaching and learning materials, diversifying assessment subjects and methods, and the necessity of teachers' continuous professional development, etc.



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