Research on Influencing Factors of YouTube Chinese Vdeo User Subscription Motivation: Centered on the Censydiam User Motivation Analysis Model

  • 투고 : 2019.07.23
  • 심사 : 2019.08.03
  • 발행 : 2019.08.31


A great deal needs to be learned about why and how users participate and consume information on various online sites. The design of socio-technical systems especially for promoting engagement in terms of maximum user participation is both a theoretical and real-world challenge that researchers strive to understand. At present, most of the research on the motives of Internet video users' behavior focuses on the user's "viewing motivation" and "sharing motivation", and lacks the analysis of the factors affecting users' "subscription motivation". This study will attempt to compensate for this gap. Based on the YouTube platform, we take Chinese video users as the research object and uses the "Censydiam user motivation analysis model" to make assumptions about user subscription motivation from the two levels of social needs and personal needs, using regression analysis. Validate the hypothesis and get the influencing factors that may be available in the user's subscription motivation based on the assumptions. Built on survey data from 215 respondents, the study found that Enjoyment, Vitality, Power, and Conviviality are four factors that influence user motivation.



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