Inhibition of nicotine-induced Streptococcus mutans biofilm formation by salts solutions intended for mouthrinses

  • Balhaddad, Abdulrahman A. (Department of Restorative Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry, Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University) ;
  • Melo, Mary Anne S. (Biomedical Sciences, University of Maryland School of Dentistry) ;
  • Gregory, Richard L. (Department of Biomedical and Applied Sciences, Indiana University School of Dentistry)
  • 투고 : 2018.07.19
  • 심사 : 2018.12.18
  • 발행 : 2019.02.28


Objectives: Biofilm formation is critical to dental caries initiation and development. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of nicotine exposure on Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) biofilm formation concomitantly with the inhibitory effects of sodium chloride (NaCl), potassium chloride (KCl) and potassium iodide (KI) salts. This study examined bacterial growth with varying concentrations of NaCl, KCl, and KI salts and nicotine levels consistent with primary levels of nicotine exposure. Materials and Methods: A preliminary screening experiment was performed to investigate the appropriate concentrations of NaCl, KCl, and KI to use with nicotine. With the data, a S. mutans biofilm growth assay was conducted using nicotine (0-32 mg/mL) in Tryptic Soy broth supplemented with 1% sucrose with and without 0.45 M of NaCl, 0.23 M of KCl, and 0.113 M of KI. The biofilm was stained with crystal violet dye and the absorbance measured to determine biofilm formation. Results: The presence of 0.45 M of NaCl, 0.23 M of KCl, and 0.113 M of KI significantly inhibited (p < 0.05) nicotine-induced S. mutans biofilm formation by 52%, 79.7%, and 64.1%, respectively. Conclusions: The results provide additional evidence regarding the biofilm-enhancing effects of nicotine and demonstrate the inhibitory influence of these salts in reducing the nicotine-induced biofilm formation. A short-term exposure to these salts may inhibit S. mutans biofilm formation.



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