Fig. 1. Operational principle of the Kibble balance: Fem and Fm mean an electromagnetic force and a mechanical force, respectively. When the two forces are balanced, we can find out the mass through two operational modes.
Fig. 2. Values of the Planck constant h and the CODATA 2017 value. The inner band is ± 2 × 10-8 and the outer band is ± 5 × 10-8 (KB: Kibble balance; XRCD: x-ray-crystal-density)[13].
Fig. 3. Relationship among the seven defining constants and the seven SI base units: the unit from which an arrow starts is included in the definition of the unit which the arrow indicates.
Table 1. The CODATA recommended values and relative standard uncertainties for the Planck constant from 1998 to 2014
Table 2. The CODATA 2017 adjusted values of h, e, k, and NA[13].
Table 3. The CODATA 2017 values of h, e, k, and NA for the revision of the SI[13].
Table 4. Fundamental constants having no uncertainty by the revision of the SI
Table 5. Quantities having new uncertainty by the revision of the SI
Table 6. SI derived units with special names and symbols which can be defined by the seven defining constants
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