Biotea-2-Bioschemas, facilitating structured markup for semantically annotated scholarly publications

  • Received : 2019.03.15
  • Accepted : 2019.05.20
  • Published : 2019.06.30


The total number of scholarly publications grows day by day, making it necessary to explore and use simple yet effective ways to expose their metadata. supports adding structured metadata to web pages via markup, making it easier for data providers but also for search engines to provide the right search results. Bioschemas is based on the standards of, providing new types, properties and guidelines for metadata, i.e., providing metadata profiles tailored to the Life Sciences domain. Here we present our proposed contribution to Bioschemas (from the project "Biotea"), which supports metadata contributions for scholarly publications via profiles and web components. Biotea comprises a semantic model to represent publications together with annotated elements recognized from the scientific text; our Biotea model has been mapped to following Bioschemas standards.



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